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3 Reasons To Use Treated Lumber For Your Basement Project

If you're remodeling your basement this year and plan to replace the wood with fresh lumber, you may want to know about the best type of lumber to use for your project. Treated lumber may be a good choice for you because it may improve the stability, safety and comfort of your basement. In addition, treated lumber may protect your basement from insect and water damage if your plumbing pipes leak or wood boring insects, such as the powderpost beetle, invade your property. Here are three reasons to use treated lumber for your basement project.

Prevents Insect Damage

Treated lumber is preserved with special chemical applications that protect your basement from insect infestations. The chemicals are pressure-fused into the wood, which prevents insects from consuming the cellulose in it. If you previously faced problems in your home, such as termites and wood borer damage, treated lumber may be what you need for your basement. 

Pressure-fused lumber in Canada and the United States undergoes an intense thermal or heating process before manufacturers place it on the market. The heating process ensures that a chemical preservative called amine copper quat, or ACQ, reaches the deepest parts or fibers of the lumber. Instead of tasting cellulose, wood-eating insects taste the chemicals, which deters them from damaging the wood further.

If you're concerned about the safety of your treated wood, don't be. Although manufacturers used chromated copper arsenate or CCA in the past, they now use ACQ to treat lumber and other types of wood because it's safer to use in building projects. 

However, if you still feel concerned about the safety of treated wood, consult with your building contractor immediately. The contractor may discuss your concerns, as well as show you how to cut or use your lumber if you don't know how to do so.

Wards Off Water and Moisture Damage

Another benefit of using treated wood is protection against water and moisture damage. Rain, snow and ice may all create mold in your basement if you don't use the right lumber. The wrong type of lumber may also rot or decay if it becomes saturated with water or moisture. 

Depending on the type of lumber you use for your project, it may come with a special coating or laminate that allows water to bead on its surfaces. The coating not only acts a water and moisture barrier, it may also resist warping, bending and shrinking if water or moisture touches the lumber. 

Your treated lumber is also easy to clean if it becomes dirty, or if mold develops in the basement. Keep in mind that even though moisture and water can't penetrate the surfaces of your treated lumber, it can still bead on it and attract mold spores.

If mold does develop because of beading, you can remove it with a non-chemical mold cleaner and soft-bristled brush. However, you should avoid using any chemicals that contain bleach, ammonia and other harsh ingredients, or you may fade or stain your lumber.

Helps Furnaces and Boilers Work Efficiently By Stopping Cold Drafts

You may use your treated wood to reinforce the ceiling, flooring and walls around your furnace or boiler. Cold drafts that enter your basement may decrease the performance of your heating appliance, which may increase your heating costs.

The lumber's thick, dense texture may prevent drafts from rising up from the flooring beneath your furnace or boiler. The lumber may also keep cold air from circulating around the heating appliance, because it may insulate the walls and ceiling in the basement.

You may wish to speak to your building supplier or contractor for tips on how to keep your furnace or boiler protected from cold drafts.

If you have more questions or concerns about treated lumber, be sure to call or email your building contractor today, or contact a Calgary building materials supplier.  
